Towup Ride
Tour of the Western Upper Peninsula of Michigan
July 28th thru August 3rd 2002
Hello Past TOWUP riders
Below is this summer's TOWUP invitation. Please let us know if you're interested in attending and do foward this note to others.
We are again planning the tour named TOWUP for Tour Of the Western Upper
Peninsula of Michigan.
It's a 7 day unsupported tour (you carry everything you need) from Sunday July
28th - Saturday August 3rd,
The ride will start from our home in Ironwood MI. Vehicles can be left here
and this tour will return in a circular fashion.
From here we'll head northeast through the Porkies state park, then will follow
the shore of Lake Superior to the Keweenaw Peninsula.
We'll ride around the beautiful peninsula counter-clock-wise. The return trip
will bring us to Bond Falls flowage and back home
in a southwesterly fashion and . All of our overnight locations have nearby food
and campgrounds are every 50-60 miles.
Much of this terrain is rolling with some mountainous like hills and flat spots mixed in. The 1st TOWUP story (with photos) can be read at
We feel the western upper peninsula of MI (da UP) has the most lovely terrain
and quietest roads we've ever toured on.
Why not join us this summer??
The fee for this year's tour is $60, which includes maps/cue sheets, camping
fees, and supper for two evenings.
The two group suppers will be cooked out over a fire and/or camp stoves, with
everyone's assistance requested.
You will need your own cooking equipment and food for all other meals, unless
you choose to go to a restaurant.
Hope to see you
Arlyn & Sandy Aronson
Superior Tandems (906) 364.2142 Central Time
quality tandems from Meridian, da Vinci, Longbikes
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