5, BRR Ride, Perry,
25, Iowa City Bike Rally, Iowa, 319-338-8865
12, Chill-i Ride, Newton, Iowa, 515-526-8751
12, Spring Chicken
Tour, Gray Summit, Mo., 314-739-5180
26, Knock off
the Rust, St. Louis, Mo. 314-739-5180
26, SICCO, Spring in Columbiana County Ohio, New Waterford, Ohio, 330-457-2292,
1, Old Chain of Rocks Bridge Ride, Missouri, tndmcapt@swbell.net
1, Big Creek Classic, Ia.
1, Think Spring Ride, Copley, Ohio, 330-668-3686, mayconstruction@yahoo.com
7-9, Lance Armstrong Foundation Ride,
Austin, Tx
8, Recumbents Romp, Mn., 612-378-3773, LeBiker@hi-mn.org
15, WAMEGO Dutch Mill Metric
Bike Ride, Ks, 785-456-9610, bikeman@midusa.net
15-16, Redbud Classic, Ok.,
16, A Freebie Ride
& Ohio Spring Tour, Amherst, Ohio
16, Little
500 Tour Indiana, TanyaLeise@Rose-Hulman.edu
22, Two County Metric,
Tn., 615-355-5465, dbond@bikerider.com
22, Monroe County Harmony Ride, Wi., Harmonyride@excite.com,
22, Redbud 100, Cookeville, Tn., 931-528-9508, klilly@fleetguard.com
22, Earth Day Recycle Bicycle Ride, Willowick, Ohio, 440-585-2800
22, American Discovery Trail Opening Day Ride, Oxford, Ohio, 513-523-4880
22, Commodore
Bike Ride, Crane Indiana, 812-275-2658, ghout@kiva.net
27, Bike Tour of LaPorte County and Michigan City, Indiana. 219-873-1400
29, St. Jude Tour for the
Cure 2000 Bike Tour, Memphis, Tn.
29, 33rd Spot, Groveport, Ohio, 614-235-7669
29, Rudy Project
200km Brevet, Sharon, Wi.
30, Minnesota Ironman Bicycle Ride,612-378-3773
30, Mid-Ohio Century, Delaware, Ohio, 614-882-9407
6, Cycling Safari, Columbus, Ohio, 614-645-3440, jspriggs@colszoo.org
6, Black Swamp Budget Tour, Bowling Green, 419-243-7680, p.hanson@sylvania.sev.org
6, Parke County Covered Bridge Tour, Rockville, In., 765-569-3430,
6, Calvin's Challenge, Kansas City, Mo., 816-734-3833, JohnM77420@aol.com
6, MS Sixty30 Bike Tour, Mn.
612-335-7900 biketour@mssociety.com
6-7, Harmony Hundred, New Harmony,
Indiana, 812-682-4401, turney_s@nharmony.k12.in.us
7, Blossomtime Metric Century,
Berrien Springs, Mi., 616-471-3256
Huron, Ohio, 419-433-8353
7, Chili Century,
Goshen, Ohio, 513-791-7190
7, Top of Ohio Hundred, Columbus Outdoor Pursuits, PO Box 14384, Columbus,
Oh. 43214-0384
7, U.S. Cellular Great Tulsa
Bike Ride, Tulsa, Ok., 918-596-2001
7, Dog Prairie/Jean
Burns Memorial Tour, Wentzville, Mo. 314-739-5180
13, Budweiser Ride, Liberty, Iowa
13, Marshmallow Ride, Marshalltown,
13, Tour de Cure, Madison,
Wi., 608-257-6332
13, Tour de Cure, Omaha, Ne.,
402-572-3747, jsweetman@diabetes.org
13, May
Madness Ride, Fort Wayne, In. 219-482-2845
13, Michigan Recumbent Rally,
Mi., 734-487-9058
13-14, TOSRV, Ohio
13-20, Mississippi River Trail Bicycle Tour, St. Louis to Cape Girardeau,
14, B & O Ride, Painesville Twp, Ohio, 440-585-2800
19-20, Amana Colonies River
Valley Bicycle Ride Iowa
19-20, Tour de Chesapeake,
19-21, Spring Rally, Sparta, Wi. COWS,
20, Tour de Max, Culver, Indiana, 219-842-8846, Erd's_Island@yahoo.com
20, Miami Valley Tandem Rally, Miami, Ohio, 937-433-4505, rschilb@erinet.com
20, Pedal with Pete, Keny, Ohio, 800-304-7383, ridepwp@aol.com
20, Elk Pride Ride, Elk River, Mn., 612-441-6134, SnowySam@prodigy.net
20, PSFBYL, Indianapolis, in., 317-872-8809, warsmockren@prodigy.net
20, Madison Meander, Madison, Indiana, 812-273-3109, lthurman@seidata.com/~lthurman
20-21, Zoo de Mackinac, Mi.
20, Tour De Blount, Maryville, Tn.
865-891-4443 GRDeV@aol.com
20, Pumpkinvine Rail Trail,
Goshen, In. 219-266-4265
20-21, Clean Air Challenge,
21, Morse Lake Metric, Cicero, Indiana, 317-923-5317, dawmdavi@iupui.edu
21, Orchard Country Bicycle Tour, La Porte, Indiana, 219-362-4200
21, Huffman Spring Classic, Dayton, Ohio, 937-376-5548, huffman@daytoncyclingclub.org
21, Bicycle Poker Run, Peninsula, Ohio, 800-291-0099, ernie@erniesbikeshop.com
21, Intruders Clean Air Tour, Wis., 920-734-1405, milhaupts@aol.com
21, ADA Tour de Cure, Jackson,
Mi., 517-327-9560
21, Chocolate, City Ride, Burlington, Wi. 262-763-7794
21, Tour de Cure, Green
Bay, Wi., 920-498-1066
21, Tour de Cure, Milwaukee,
21, MS Bike Blitz,
21, Dunes Half Century Ride,
Chesterton, In. 219-756-0957, Nfrekot@heart.org
21-28, Mississippi River Trail Bicycle Tour, Cape Girardeau to Memphis,
26-28, BEAR, Iowa
27, Covered Bridge Tour, Brookville, Ohio, bikewalder@yahoo.com
27, CRAM, Clarksville, Tn., 931-648-0232, Stan4bike@aol.com
May 30 - June 3, Minnesota Lakes
and Rivers Rally
1, Bike to Work Day, Dayton, Ohio, 937-463-2707, bikemv@erinet.com
2-4, No Frills Tandem Weekend, 330-688-7299, grnmach2@aol.com
2-5, Covered Bridge Rally,
Columbia Co. Penn.
3, Tandems Away Ride, Cottage Grove, Wisconsin, 608-241-2601, jdenovo@tds.net
3, Rosedale Strawberry Festival Tour, Rosedale, Indiana, 765-548-8356,
3, Heart of Ohio Tour,
Carroll, Ohio
3, Hot Tamale,
Ohio, 740-387-7603
3, TCTC River Ride, Lake Pepin, Mn., 612-935-9337, drlaird@ibm.net
3, Brainerd Tour Of Lakes,
Brainerd, Mn., 218-829-4206
3, Tour de Cure, Tn., 615-298-3066
3, Bike to the Bluegrass, Louisville, Ky., 502-451-0014, susan.cohen@kyw.nmss.org
3, Mammoth Cave Bicycle Tour, Bowling Green, Ky., 270-842-4239, bdwebb@premiernet.net
3, Tour de Cure, West Chester,
Oh., 513-759-9330
3, Tour de Cure, Wichita,
Ks., 316-684-6091, egrace@diabetes.org
3, Rock 50/50 Bike Tour, Janesville, Wi. dpaynter@ticon.net,
Janesville, Wi.
3, 100 Grand, rpdwhlmn@yahoo.com,
3, B & O Bike Ride, Brownsburg,
Indiana, 317-247-0637
3, 12th Annual Mammoth Cave
Bicycle Tour, Bowling Green, Ky. 270-781-2729
3, Moonlight River Ramble,
Minneapolis, Mn 612-378-5714
3, Tortuga's Off Road
Challenge, Bloomington, In. 812-336-5874
3, CAMBA Fat Tire Poker Ride,
Cable, Wi.
3, 100,000 Meter T-Shirt
Ride, Laingsburg, Mi. tshirt@biketcba.org,
3-4, Midwest Recumbent
Rally, Stevens Point, Wi. 1-800-233-4340
3-4, Marietta River Rendezvous, Duncan Falls, Ohio, 740-373-1784, kalterson@ee.net
4, Troy Strawberry Festival Bike Tour, Troy, Ohio, 937-339-7714, troychamb@bright.net
4, Tour de Cure, Twin Cities,
Mn., 612-593-5333
4, Tour de Cure, Toledo,
Oh., 419-841-5338
4, Tour de Cure, Indianapolis,
Indiana, 317-352-9226, kpeebles@diabetes.org
4, Sharon's Ride,
St. Louis, Mo. 314-645-6969
4, ADA Tour for the Cure,
Indianapolis, In. 317-352-9226 or 800-228-2897
4-10, BRAN, Bike Ride Across Nebraska,
402-397-9785, bran@radiks.net
4-11, Tour
of the Michigan North Lakes, Traverse City, Mi.
8-12, Thrashin' and Bashin' Y2K,
Mi., 630-260-9600, Alainearea@aol.com
9, Lake Tour Bike Trek, Lake Geneva,
Wi., 630-260-9600
9-11, Noran Classic
150, Mn. 612-335-7900
10, Rock River Tour,
Crawfordsville, Indiana, 765-362-9615, ddoty@valleybikes.com
10, Pairs and Spares Mostly Tandem Tour, Fayette, Ohio, 419-644-5072,
10, Tour de Feed, Dublin, Ohio, 614-249-1667, noiep@nationwide.com
10, Tour de Versailles, Versailles, Ohio, 937-526-5345
10, Historic 50, Winchester, In., 765-584-3090, gne@globalsite.net
10, Safari Bicycle Tour,
Pekin, In., 812-967-5082, tmaudlin@powercreative.com
10, Kroger MS 150, Cincinnati, Oh., 513-769-4400, amy.bischoff@ohg.nmss.org
10, Keosippi Metric, Keokuk, Iowa, 319-524-5686
10-11, Big Mac Shorline Scenic
Bike Tour, Mi., 231-436-5664
10-11, Grand Rapids MS Ride, Mi.
10, Tour de Cure, Grand
Rapids, Mi., 616-458-9341
10, Family Fun Ride, Marion,
In, 765-662-9971 famsvc@comteck.com
10, Michigan HPV Rally, 734-487-9058, kiehler@juno.com
10, Wheel & Sproket Recumbent
Rally, Wisc.
10-11, TOMRV, Iowa, 319-355-5530,
10-17, BAK, Bike Across Kansas
11, Shades of Two Rivers,
Chesterfield, Indiana, 765-649-6823, SMontgo113@aol.com
11, River Rendezvous Ride,
Ludlow, Ky., 513-791-7190
11, Slippery Seat Seventy, Sparta, Wi.,
11, Sunday in June, Burton,
Ohio, 440-954-4201
11, Tour de Cure, Akron,
Oh., 440-717-1627, kshapiro@diabetes.org
11, Tour de Cure, Columbus,
Oh., 614-436-1917
11, Saginaw Valley Challenge, Mi., 734-487-9058, kiehler@juno.com
11, Tour de Cure, Bingham
Farms, Mi., 248-433-3830
11-16, Ohio Valley Christian Assembly Bicycle Tour, Pomeroy, Ohio,
740-756-4191, cpstebelton@cs.com
11-17, Oklahoma FreeWheel,
918-581-8385, okfreewheel@prodigy.net
16-18, Minnesota Bike Festival,
St. Paul, Mn. 612-378-5714
17, Honeysuckle Ride, Columbus, Indiana, 812-372-9821, lscott@hsonline.net
17, Southern Door
County Belgian Century, doorcows@doorpi.net
17, Trek 100, Brookfield, Wi.
800-248-8735, coneil@execpc.com
17-24, GOBA, Ohio
17-18, Kewanee Chain Drive Festival,
Hancock, Mi., 616-453-4245
18, Ride the River, Bettendorf,
Iowa, 319-322-2969 or 319-322-7433, riveraction@juno.com
18, Clean Air Challenge, Cleveland,
Ohio, 216-781-5636
18, Killer Hill, LaCrosse,
Wi. 608-782-4630
18-24 TRIRI
18-24, CAMP, Cycle Across Missouri
19-24, TOGIR, The Other
Great Iowa Ride
24, Mission Challenge Ride, Indianapolis, Indiana, 317-862-9254, decampm@nsk-corp.com
24, Summer Tour of the Metro-Parks,
Akron, Ohio, 330-865-8065
24, Tour de Cure, Knoxville,
Tn., 865-584-0212, rwillis@diabetes.org
24, Cycle for the cure, Des Moines,
Iowa, 515-270-6337, cathy.cunningham@iac.nmss.org
24, Flat 50 Plus, Decatur, In. paul@decaturnet.com
24-25, Spokin'
2000, Elkhart, In. 219-295-6596
24-30, Pedal Across Lower Michigan
June 24 to July 1, Northwoods
to Capitol Tour , Wisconsin, 608-244-6598, bicycle@execpc.com
25, Tour of Saints, Cold
Spring, Minnesota, 320-363-1311 or 1-800-651-8687, michaeldoyle@cloudnet.com
25, Portage River Tour, Elmore, Ohio, 419-243-7680, phanson@sylvania.sev.org
25, Tour de Cure, St. Louis,
Mo., 314-647-2110, phederman@diabetes.org
25, Menominee River Century, Spokes
& Folkes Bicycle Club
25, St. Patrick
Center Run-Bike-Hike, St. Louis, Mo., 314-436-1283
25-30, Powwow
Fox Valley, Wi.
June 30-July 3, Minnesota Lakes
and Rivers Rally, Minnesota
1-7, Bike Virginia,
1-8, GRABAAWR, Prairie du
Chien, Wi. 888-575-3640
4, Sunstroke 74, Kokomo,
Indiana, 765-452-7110, schwinn@netusa1.net
4, Vandalia 4th of July Tour,
Vandalia, Ohio, 937-277-0000
8, BRASL, Bike Ride Around Spirit Lake, Spirit Lake, Iowa, 712-336-4978,
8, Wyandotte Family Fest Bicycle Tour, Upper Sandusky, Ohio, 419-294-4166
8, RAIN, Ride Across Indiana,
8, NITE Ride, Indianapolis 317-767-7765
8, Brownstown Round Barn Ride,
Brownstown, In. 812-358-5040 or 812-358-3680 lraymer@hsonline.net
8-15, Blue Ridge Bike Challenge,
760-779-1837, etrubee@aol.com
9, Thomas Edison Century, Milan, Ohio, 419-625-7783, EMetroPark@aol.com
9, Midwest Double Century,
Lima, Oh., 419-999-2091, limaayh@greaterlima.com
9, Thomas Edison Century Ride,
Huron, Oh., 419-625-7783, EMetroPark@aol.com
9, Watertown
Adventure Challenge, 608-224-0381, aegraf@inxpress.net
9, Heatstroke 100, Burlington, Wi.
9, Three Rivers Festival Tour, Fort
Wayne, In. 219-471-7142, indiana-jim@juno.com
9, Three Mounds Century, Mineral Point, Wi., 608-935-4737, tmcentury@spunky.org
10-15, Trip Across Missouri,
10-15, Twin Cities to Chicago Aids Ride, 612-871-0002
12-16, Summer
Tour, Reed City, Mi., 517-882-3700, summertour@biketcba.org
13-15, Bike
for Bibles 2000, Canada
14-16, Southern Indiana Tandem Tour 2000, Columbus, Indiana,
15, Tour of Two States, Union City, Indiana, 765-964-5866, gpierce@connectiva.net
15, TCTC Country Ride, Cumberland, Wi., 612-935-9337, drlaird@ibm.net
15, Circus City Metric Century,
Peru, In. 765-473-3848 circuscc@cqc.com
15, 25th Annual Holland Hundred Bicycle Tour, Holland, Michigan, 616-783-3163,
15-16, Metro MS Ride, Michigan
15-21, Michigander,
15-16, Hidden
Valley, Wi. 517-393-6022
16, TCTC Country Ride, Maple Grove, Mn., 612-935-9337, drlaird@ibm.net
16, Stillwater Habitat 500,
Minneapolis, Mn., 612-331-4090 x623, ebenisch@tchabitat.org
16-21, Tour de Wyoming, atravsky@wyoming.com
16, Flowerfest Bicycle Tour,
Kalamazoo, Mi. 616-343-2288
21-31, Trip Across Kentucky,
22, Smoothest Bike Ride in the
World, Indianapolis, In. 800-228-2897
22-23, Scenic Shore 150,
Milwaukee, Wi. 800-261-7399
22, WOW, Women on
Wheels, Lansing, Michigan, wow@biketcba.org
22, Ride for a reason, Wi.
608-423-4498, commhope@smallbytes.net
22-29, XOBA,
Ohio, 614-785-6583
22-29 Circle Tour Shoreline
Circle tour Michigan
23, Dayton Cycling Club Picnic, 937-238-4262, social@daytoncyclingclub.org
23-28, MS-TRAM,
Mn. 612-335-7900, biketour@mssociety.com
23-29, Ragbrai,
23-29, TOWUP,
Tour of the Western Upper Peninsula of Michigan, arlysand@win.bright.net
28-30, Powwow Fox River,
A fully-supported ride from Manitowoc to DePere
29, Shauck Area Century, Johnsonville, Ohio, 419-362-7715
29, Good Ole Summertime Tour, North Baltimore, Ohio, wcpd@wcnet.org,
29, Crossroads Bike Tour, West Liberty, Ohio, 937-465-6525, pedalpwr@logan.net
July 29-August 5 Shoreline
West tour, Michigan
30, Richfield SweetCorn Challenge,
Richfield, Ohio, 330-659-3300
July 30-August 5, SAGBRAW,
Wisconsin 888-575-3640
30, Tour De Lake Minnetonka,
Mn. 612-378-5714
5, Grand View Firehouse, 50/50
715-798-3646, gvfh50@win.bright.net
5, Driftwood Valley Wheeler's Hot August Night Ride, Columbus, In.
5-6, Best Dam Bike Tour, Wi. 262-547-8999,
5-12, Shoreline Bowtie Bicycle
Tour Michigan, 517-334-9100
5-12, CANDISC,
Cycle around North Dakota in Sakakawea Country, rmesserl@state.nd.us
6, Strassenfest, Jasper, In. 812-634-1454
6, TCTC Terry's Birthday Bash Ride, St. Paul, Mn., 612-935-9337, drlaird@ibm.net
6-12 Northern Exposure Fat
Tire Tour Michigan
6-12, SPUDS, Id.
11-13, Highground Bicycle
Tour, Wi. highgrnd@badger.tds.net
12, North Indiana Ride and Parade, North Manchester, 219-982-8031,
12-13, Amishland
and Lakes Bicycle Tour, Howe, In. 616-695-9591, redbudins@buchanan.mi.us
12, TCTC North Ride, Lindstrom, Mn., 612-935-9337, drlaird@ibm.net
13, Summer Heat Recumbent Rally, Jamestown, Ohio, mmsutton@sprynet.com
13, Four County Metric,
Berea, Ohio, racelew@aol.com
13-18, Bike Me Tour Sparta,
13-18, Heart of Wisconsin Bike
Tour, Wisconsin 800-711-bike
18-20, Great River Ride, Mn, 651-227- 8014,
18-20, TNT Nauvoo, Iowa
19, Son Seekers Bicycle Ride, Advance, In. 765-676-6500, ghardwick@wico.net
19-20, Bike
Van Buren, Iowa, 1-800-tourvbc
19-20, TNT Iowa
20, Sizzling
Century, Kokomo, In. 765-459-8431, jthompso@netusa1.net
20, HI-AYH Moonlight Ramble,
St. Louis, Mo.
20, Cream
City Century Waterford, Wisconsin
20-26, Tour
of the Door Penisula, Wisc.
20-26, Wyoming Cycling Celebration,
25-27, Field of Dreams
Iowa 319-344-1379
26, WBNI Classic Bicycle Tour, Fort
Wayne, In. 219-452-1189, vrelph@wbni.org
27, Tri-State Metric Century, LaCrosse Wi., 608-782-4630 scheitza@mail.uwlax.edu
27, Wabash
River Century Ride, Lafayette, In. 765-423-5361, slaing1486@aol.com
Aug 30- Sept 4, DALMAC,
Lansing to St. Ignace, Mi. dalmac@biketcba.org,
TBD, Geneva Tour de Lac, 800-558-2405
2, Blueberry Bicycle Cruise,
Plymouth, In., 219-936-2508
2-4, Labor Day Trilogy, Lebanon, In. 317-872-8809, warsmockren@prodigy.net
2-7, Katy Trail End to End
Tour Missouri
2-4, BAM 2000, Bike Across Missouri
2-7, Maah-Daah Hey Mountain
Bike Adventure, etrubee@aol.com
3, Wright Stuff Century, Bombay
Bicycle Club, Madison, Wisconsin, SE.Grimes@hosp.wisc.edu
, johannab@sonicfoundry.com
5, SMW Century 2000,
Loundon, Tennessee
9, Backroad Bike Tour, Greencastle, In. 765-653-4834, bhanson@tds.net
9, ODRAM, Muskegon, Mi., 517-334-9100,
9-10, MS 150, Troy & Columbia, Missouri, 1-800-FIGHT-MS, kerrie.knoll@mos.nmss.org
9-10, Harmon 100, Wheeling
Wheelmen, Wilmont, Wisc. 847-520-5010
9-10, 3VRS
Pokagon Overnight Ride, Leo, In. 219-749-2095, mbcbtandem@aol.com
9-10, Old Kentucky
Home Tour, Louisville
Bicycle Club
10, Vineyard Classic Bicycle Tour, Paw Paw, Michigan, Paul.Pancella@WMich.edu
10, St. Joseph River Ride for
Sight, South Bend, In. 616-683-2778, myersba@altavista.com
10, Lakeshore Century, Chesterton,
In. 219-662-7574,
10, Harmon Hundred, Wilmont,
Wi. 847-520-5013 #3
15-17, Mickelson
Trail Trek, 605-773-4235, Cindy.Tyron@state.sd.us
15-24, Fall Breakaway,
Oh., 765-998-7490
16, Hope Ride, Hope,
In., 765-525-7226
16, Hoosier
Hills, Bloomington, In. 812-332-1254, annepatrice24780@aol.com
16, Fall Recumbent Rendezvous, Mi., 734-487-9058, BobMich@compuserve.com
16, Tour of the Ozarks,
Rolla, Mo, 573-364-1695, mayfly@rollanet.org
16-17, Big Mack Fall Scenic Bike Tour, Mackinaw, Mi., 231-436-5664
17, TCTC Riden up Nort wit lena & Ole Ride, Harris, Mn., 612-935-9337,
17, Pedal the Kettle, Wi., 414-297-9135, Bike-pedal@mailcity.com
17, Stillwater Bike Classic,
Stillwater, Mn. 612-378-5714
17-22 Escapade TRIRI
Indiana, 812-332-6028
21-23, Pella
Fall Fest Tour, Pella, Ia
23, Building on Faith
Bike Ride, Terre Haute, In.
812-235-5914, info@wvhabitat.org
24, Buffalo Bill Century
Rides, Ks., 913-682-8918
24, Apple
Cider Century, Three 3 Oaks,
Michigan, 616-756-3361
24-29, Door County Ride,
30, Fall Color Festival & Moutain
Bike Ride, LaGrange, Wisonsin, wheel@execpc.com,
30, Falling Leaves Bicycle
Tour, Derby, In. 812-547-7161
30 - Oct 1, Goshen Bike Fest, Goshen, In. 800-307-4204, goshenchamber@goshen.org
1, Harvest Homecoming Ride, Floyds Knob, In. 812-948-2453, siwclub@aol.com
1, Turning Leaves Century, Dawagiac, Mi. 219-674-0088, recla@aol.com
1, Great Pumpkin Metric
Bicycle Tour, Evansville, In. wfiester@dynasty.net
1, TCTC Chili Ride, Woodbury, Mn., 612-935-9337, drlaird@ibm.net
1, Octoberfest 100, Onalaska, Wi., 608-782-4630, Scheitza@mailuwlax.edu
1, BAS Ride/Walk, Milwaukee, Wi., 414-327-3357
1-6, Door County Ride,
Wisconsin 319-344-1379
6-8, World Recumbent Bike Expo,
Dayton, Ohio, mmsutton@sprynet.com
7, Copper Country
Color Tour, Kewanee, Michigan
7, Great Pumpkin Fest Bike Tour, Zeeland, Michigan, sgarvey@zch.org
7, Tour
de Cape, Cape Girardeau, Mo. 573-651-6535 gerard@ldd.net
7-8, Biketoberfest, Mi. zoo@zoo-de-mack.com
8-14, Great Arizona Bicycle Adventure,
Tucson, Arizona
13, 6 In 24, 6 States in 24 hours, 295 miles, Souix Falls, SD, gmcvick@attglobal.net
13-15, Hilly
100, Bloomington, In. 317-767-7765, rongjack@aol.com
29, TCTC Red Cedar Trail Ride, Menomonie, Wi., 612-935-9337, drlaird@ibm.net