From the parking lot at Mc Kinley Woods we headed West towards Morris. At this point you are riding on a small piece of land between the canal and the Illinois river. About 1 1/2 to 2 miles you will cross a small bridge (Photo) .A couple of miles farther you will come up to the Dresden Island Lock and Dam (Photo) After riding a couple of more minutes you will have to ride under or over a bridge. This photo is a shot to the North with a deer in the water feeding. (Photo) Sorry but the deer is hardly visible due to my short 70mm lens. Another 2 1/2 miles down the path you will see the Aux Sable aqueduct carrying the canal over the creek below. (Photo) A couple of hundred feet to the west is one of the original locktenders houses at lock #8 which is currently under construction. (Photo) There is an old trestle bridge just West of lock #8 (Photo with my daughter) which has been restored. This is where I took the photo of lock #8. From this point we turned around and headed back towards Channahon. After passing our original starting point at Mc Kinley Woods we continued to head East. A couple of mile East of Mc Kinley Woods the path becomes smooth blacktop. The crunching of limestone is suddenly gone and your speed increases. Just after the blacktop ends you will come up to lock # 7 which has just been restored. (Photo) Then you will cross the dam over the DuPage river.(Photo) This is a nice place to stop and relax. Here I took photos of the upper side of the dam (Photo) and the lower side of the dam. (Photo) After riding just a little farther you will come up to the Rt. 6 bridge. This is where we go up to the road and have some ice cream at the Dari restaurant. They have great ice cream and cheeseburgers. After eating our snack we turned around and headed back to Mc Kinley Woods to end our ride.