Days 8-9
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Day 8. September 11
I awoke at my regular hour of about 3 a.m., and finished the Days
4--7 report that I'd started
the previous evening. I then packed up and
waited for the office to
open so I could finish my chou mein. Henry was
true to this word, and at
7 he cheerfully heated it up, and supplied coffee
and bagels as well. We had
a good conversation about the current state
of Hong Kong. He still has
relatives there, and says that things aren't as
good as they were before
the takeover. He seemed quite saddened by
the situation.
My departure was under cloudy but not too-threatening clouds. After
a few miles it was obvious
that the Weather Channel was right and there
would be no rain that day.
The countryside was beautiful,
temperature was in the 60's
and I was soon biking in just my shorts
and jersey.
After just a few flat miles the highway climbed from elevation 2200
up to 4000, followed by a
good downhill
past the 45th parallel
into my first goal of the day: Baker City. I'd been looking
forward to some hot soup,
so I cruised the downtown area until I
spotted a sandwich shop with
some outdoor tables. I put a velcro
strip around a brake lever
(to slow down any potential thief) and left the
bike where I could watch
it as I went in to order. The sandwiches
were expensive, and so was
their soup, but they had clam chowder (at
$3.75 a cup and $4.50 a bowl)
so I ordered a bowl . I went outside and
after a couple of minutes
the girl who had taken my order brought this
rather small container of
soup. "This is a bowl?!" I asked, semi-
rhetorically. "Oh, I thought
you wanted a cup", said the girl. "I'll bring
you a bowl." I suggested
that she just leave the cup (I was starving) and
then replenish it. She said
fine, and I started on my soup, which was
quite good.
Then I began to wonder if she would bring me another cup, or
perhaps a half a cup, and
if maybe I should insist that she bring me
examples of both containers
so that I could compare them to be sure
I got my full bowl. I thought
about this to the point where I was about to
tell her in no uncertain
terms just what she could do with her soup, when
out she came with a big smile
and a full bowl of soup. I felt sort of bad
(maybe 1 on a scale of 0
to 10), so I left her a sizable tip.
Baker City looked like it would be the last chance for a motel for
that day, but I'd only covered
45 miles and still felt strong, so I decided
to push on and camp that
night. I took the old highway rather than the
interstate, and biked along
a smooth quiet road that I had almost all to
myself. Alongside were railroad
tracks, and several freight trains passed
me, going relatively slowly
because of the steep grade. I discovered that
I had the power to blow the
train whistles. All I had to do was wait till the
engine was almost even with
me, then turn in my saddle and wave
vigorously at the engine.
In almost all cases the whistle would then
sound (and the engineer,
who I believe had something to do with it,
would wave). Yet when I would
moo at cows in the field I would get no
response whatsoever.
After about 80 miles I saw the Snake River, and shortly thereafter
came to the small town of
Huntington, which had a small store and
a motel. I entered the store,
picked up a jar of strawberry jam, and
asked the owner if he had
any bananas. "Well, I've got some", he
replied, "but they've got
a few spots." He pointed them out, and sure
enough, by looking hard enough
I could see a few spots of yellow, the
rest of the banana being
black. But they didn't feel too soft, so I got
one, took it outside and
ate it right there, knowing that it wouldn't survive
a half mile on the bike.
Then I looked at the motel, which was grubby-
looking even by my standards,
which means it was just one short step
above sleeping in a box car.
The sign said that the office was at 150
2nd street, a home which
I found easily. There the lady told me that
it really wasn't a motel,
but "hunting-fishing" cabins, with stove, refrig-
erator, and a big sink for
cleaning fish. She wanted $25 a night. I didn't
have to worry about a remote
for the TV because there was no TV. So
I decided I really did want
to camp.
The banana gave me the boost that got me over the 500-foot climb
that came before a downhill
into Farewell Bend State Park, so named
because that is where the
Oregon Trail departed the Snake River which
makes a bend to the north.
The park had a camping area, and since it
was getting close to dark
I checked it out. All the signs said that the fee
was $12 without hookups.
The self-registration camping form had a box
for "hiker-biker" but I couldn't
see what the charge was. (On the Pacific
coast they charge $3 or $4.)
Finally I found an official wandering around
and he had never heard of
hiker-biker, but admitted that $12 did seem
rather steep for a bike.
But he made no offer of a more reasonable fee
so off I went.
I biked a couple more miles and came back to the interstate. I knew
that once I got on the interstate
I'd never find a place. At the entrance
to the interstate there was
a restaurant but I couldn't afford the time for
a meal because darkness was
fast approaching. I crossed under the
highway and took a gravel
road that looked promising. After a short
distance it turned and paralleled
the interstate. I was now desperate,
and wishing I'd sprung for
the $12 back at the park. But then I saw a
depression next to the road,
checked it out on foot, and moved my bike
down to an area with dried
grass and no thorns.
I finished setting
up the tent and moving in
all my necessities (air mattress and air pillow,
handle-bar bag, sleeping
bag, food, water, radio) just as darkness
arrived and a full moon began
to rise. After blowing up my air mattress
I collapsed on it, with little
energy left after 97.5 miles.
After resting for about an hour, I decided to have supper. I enjoyed
a three-course meal, prepared
by moonlight: As an appetizer I had
peanut butter on ritz crackers.
For the main course I had peanut butter
and strawberry jam on ritz
crackers. And for dessert I had strawberry
jam on ritz crackers.
"And what beverage would the gentleman like to complement his
meal?" asked Henri. "Well,"
I said, "I believe I'll try your Oregon water."
"Ahh", purred Henri, kissing
the peanut butter off his fingertips. "An
excellent choice! This has
been a very good year for water."
Day 9. September 12
My sleep was occasionally interrupted by noisy trucks on the
interstate, but all-in-all
I spent a comfortable night. Not a single vehicle
travelled past me on the
dirt road (and I don't believe I was visible from
the road anyway). I packed
up (about an hour's work) and rode back
towards the interstate.
I followed the interstate for a couple of miles, but saw a long climb
ahead, right after the interstate
would depart the Snake. My map
showed the old highway following
the river, and it seemed to be about
the same distance, so I elected
that route. Very pleasant biking under
sunny skies, with no wind.
I'd hoped to get breakfast at Weiser, a
small town about halfway
back to the interstate, but I discovered that
it was a mile off the main
road so I kept going. A more careful look at
my map revealed that my estimate
of the distance compared to the
interstate was wrong---it
was about 16 miles longer my way. That's
not an insignificant distance
at 10 miles an hour, but I consoled myself
with the knowledge that the
scenery was better
and I didn't have to put
up with the noisy trucks.
The road climbed away from the Snake and I entered agricultural
country, the main crop being
onions (I would have preferred cantaloupe).
I was passed by many trucks
piled high with onions, shedding papery
skins as they passed me.
The roadside was strewn with onions that
had bounced off the trucks,
and, unable to resist a freebie, I finally
stopped and picked up a large
one. After removing the outer road-rash
skins I was left with: (1)
a beautiful onion the size of a softball, and (2)
the puzzle of what I was
going to do with it.
I was getting pretty hungry when, after 22 miles, I came across a
cafe-store-gaspump out in
the middle of nowhere.
I went in and
was greeted warmly by Leona-the-owner
and her daughter Matilda-the-
cook. The menu was friendly:
Two eggs for 85 cents, hashbrowns for
99 cents, pancakes $1.35
for two. So that's what I ordered. In the
conversation with Leona she
asked me if I ever found anything along
the road. I described some
of my gutter gifts, and mentioned that just
that morning I'd found a
nice one. I went out to the bike and returned
with the onion. She acted
quite impressed, even though they are up
to their armpits in onions
around there. I said she could have it, she
was very grateful, and suggested
that I have some with my hashbrowns.
Matilda gladly cut up some
and it was a welcome addition to a great
I was their only customer
at that hour (their business picks
up at noon, they said) and
we had a long pleasant conversation. As I
left, Leona gave me a ceramic
refrigerator-magnet angel "to keep me
safe on my trip".
After a few more miles I rejoined the interstate, hoping to make
Boise that day. Soon I came
to 13 miles of construction. What was
normally the westbound lanes
became both east- and westbound, and
my biking was on a four-foot
shoulder, two feet of which was taken by
a rumble strip. After three
miles I was actually grateful when a
construction foreman flagged
me over and told me in a friendly-but-firm
way that I couldn't bike
on the freeway when there was construction.
He showed me another route
to the south that was only slightly longer,
and was quite a bit more
pleasant, since there were few trucks and I
biked on a 12-foot-wide shoulder.
Around mid-afternoon I stopped at a general store in a small town
and bought a pint of chocolate
milk and a pint of 2% milk. I took a
swig from each, and then
mixed the remainder by pouring back and
forth between the containers,
thus making what I consider is the perfect
drink. I also got some slightly-spotted
(black spots) bananas.
I realized that Boise was farther than I wanted to go so Nampa
(about 18 miles west of Boise)
became my goal. I wanted to reach a
city big enough to have free
AOL access. I rejoined the interstate and
biked the last few miles
into Nampa over the roughest interstate
shoulder I'd ever seen. Around
6 (I was now in the Mountain Time Zone)
I got some frozen orange
juice, and then pulled into a motel, where the
attendant assurred me that
phone calls to Boise were local numbers.
(AOL doesn't list a number
in Nampa, but has four Boise numbers.)
I was skeptical, but after
75 miles I was ready to stop.
The room is overpriced at $35 (but the call to AOL is local, so I can
download pictures without
it costing a fortune). No remote for the TV,
the picture on the TV is
barely recognizable as being in color, and
when I asked where I could
get ice the reply was "Ice machine broken."
"Well, all I need are just
a few cubes." "No ice." I was desparate:
"Surely you have a refrigerator.
All I need is 5 ice cubes in a plastic
cup." She shook her head.
"No ice." I'd already checked in and partly
unpacked or I would have
kept biking. I had to drink my orange juice
quickly before it warmed
After washing clothes, showering, and checking my e-mail I
wandered out looking for
a place to eat. Apart from two pizza places,
I found nothing until I'd
walked 12 blocks. There I came upon a yogurt
and sandwich shop, where
I had a pleasant meal. Back to the room,
where I decided to write
the report the next morning.
My plan is to outrun winter, and I'm doing too good a job. I wish
winter would catch up just
a little, since it got to 91 degrees today.
Things are going good.