Days 25-27
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Day 25. Thursday,
September 28
Jean always gets up around 4, but I decided to sleep in. Shortly
after I arose
at 6 I was treated to a wonderful breakfast of tuna casserole
and scalloped
corn (my requests, since I love unusual breakfasts). Jean
has a large supply
of orange juice in her freezer so I knew I was going
to have a gastronomically
satisfying rest.
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Since there would be no biking for the next three days, I'll use some
of this space
to describe my equipment. These are not recommenda-
tions, but just
descriptions of what works for me on a tour. Since the
first order of
business was washing, I'll start with clothes.
For biking I brought two shorts, two jerseys, and three pairs of
socks, but so
far have only used one of each, washing them by hand
at every opportunity.
Although hand-washing is a bit of a pain when
I first get into
a motel, the alternatives are to either bike in dirty smelly
clothes (I don't
mind but other people might) or else find a laundromat,
which is even
more of a pain.
For dress-up I have one pair of slacks (elastic waist so I don't have to
have a belt),
one pullover shirt, and one pair of underpants. This set is
used for warm-weather
dining, but for chillier evenings I have a set of
"dress-up sweats",
which in an emergency could be used for cold-
weather biking
(although on no tour have I ever seen temperatures low
enough to put
them to this use). With care, my "dressy" clothes can
go about a month
between washings, since I only wear them for a few
minutes each evening.
But if I have a rest day or am staying with
friends I take
advantage of machine washing.
Another set of sweats are my camping pajamas. Those also could
be used for cold-weather
For outerwear I have the Gore-Tex jacket and pants I got from
Performance about
13 years ago. Although Gore-Tex is supposed to
keep you dry,
it doesn't keep you from sweating. However, I've found
that jackets made
from other fabrics make me feel like I'm in a sauna
compared to my
jacket of Gore-Tex. A velcro-atttached hood fits under
my helmet and
keeps my ears warm on cold mornings. For milder
(but still chilly)
conditions I have a light-weight windbreaker and pants.
Finally, for real
cold mornings I have my smelly gloves.
My bicycle is a Trek (Lance Armstrong rides a Trek) low-end mountain
bike (he doesn't
ride that model). When I was buying it from Peter Kendal
(my favorite bike
mechanic) he pointed out that it had a spring-post seat
and flex handlebars
(as well as---horrors---a kickstand) and said: "You
don't want this
bike---it's for an old man who doesn't like to hit bumps."
I said "That's
me, that's me!" and the deal was made. A couple of months
later I upgraded
the wheels, since I have had wheels fail on a tour and
wanted to avoid
that major pain. As components wear out I upgrade to
better ones.
Camping gear: My tent is a Eureka, self-supporting, 4' 6" by 6' 6",
which cost about
$100 (on sale). I use a ground tarp with exactly the
same measurements,
which also serves as a rug protector when I move
the bike into
a motel room at the end of a wet and muddy day. My
sleeping bag is
Eddie Bauer, filled with down, and very old (about 30
years). A liner
made from an old sheet attaches with velcro loops, and is
easily removed
for washing. (Later in this trip I may send this bag home
and replace it
with another lighter bag filled with Hollofil.) I use an
air mattress (I've
never been comfortable with thermarest pads), which
takes about 48
puffs to inflate (35 for the main compartment and 13 for
the pillow). Folding
it to a size small enough so it can be packed in a
front panniers
was impossible until I discovered the trick: I suck out the
last bit of air.
My panniers (front and rear) are made by Arkel, a small Canadian
company with very
good customer relations. They are very well-made,
and have more
than their advertised capacity (I checked by filling with
foam peanuts and
then pouring the peanuts into a rectangular box).
The front panniers
hang on a low-rider rack; the rear on a Blackburn.
On this trip I am loaded with electronic equipment. My computer is
a Dell Latitude
(about 4 years old). With the extra lithium battery I have
about 4 hours
of operation, so I can download pictures while on the road
should I fill
up my camera's memory. To download pictures from my digital
camera I must
attach the floppy-disk unit that plugs into the Latitude,
because the serial
port is on the backside of that unit. I carry a charging
cord, a telephone
cord, and a cable that connects the camera to the
serial port.
While biking, the computer is wrapped in a garbage bag and placed
in an inner pocket
of a rear pannier. Between this pocket and the bicycle
frame are the
plastic newspaper bags filled with clothes, which provides
quite a bit of
shock protection. The Dell people advertise that their
Latitude computer
passed a "drop test" (four-foot fall onto a hard surface);
my spill didn't
affect the computer at all.
To connect to AOL while in a motel room, I just turn on my computer,
open AOL, enter
the area code I'm in, and see if there are any local
connection numbers
(so far only at Boise, Ogden, Provo, and Albuquerque).
If not, I must
use AOL's 1-800 number ($6 per hour surcharge). Once I
know what number
I'm going to use I unplug the line into the motel phone
and plug it into
my computer. Then the computer makes the call.
Fortunately, cheap
motel rooms seldom charge for local- or 1-800 calls.
All composing of reports and e-mails is done off-line. After they are
ready I do a "flash
session" (now called "automatic AOL"): I click to
start, AOL logs
me on, messages are sent and received, and I'm logged
My camera is an Agfa 1280e, an obsolete-but-adequate model. The
camera holds about
a dozen pictures at the resolution I use (780 by
1040). The camera
is powered by four AA batteries. I have 14 NiMH
(nickel metal
hydride) rechargable batteries and a fast charger that
plugs into a wall
outlet. These batteries also run my tape recorder,
a small flashlight,
and my GPS.
The GPS is certainly not essential, but does add to the fun. I always
log my position
at the end of the day, and can get great-circle distances
to various goals,
such as Albuquerque, or Beaumont Texas (my sister's
home, my next
goal), or Gerry's home in Miami (my ultimate goal). The
GPS also gives
the exact time and a reasonably-accurate altitude. (I
know it doesn't
give exact altitudes because I took it to the beach and
it missed sea-level
by quite a few feet.)
Since I like to know what I've done, what I'm doing, and what I'm
going to do, I
have a lot of instrumentation. I have three cyclecomputers,
all of which show
the usual functions: current speed, average speed
since reset, trip
distance since reset, total distance (since the
odometer was zeroed),
and maximum speed since reset. One
computer shows
time since reset, while the other two show moving
time since reset,
sensing when the bicycle is at rest. (I reset all cycle-
computers every
morning.) The Cateye A100 also shows altitude and
temperature. (I
had a regular thermometer taped to my downtube, but
it didn't survive
the crash.) The altitude works on air pressure, so
changes in the
weather can affect the indicated altitude by as much
as several hundred
feet; corrections can be made with the GPS. My
Cateye CC-HB100
shows heartrate, using a sensor that goes around
my chest (I never
even know it's there). Heartrate is another function I
really don't need
(I can estimate my heartrate within a few beats per
minute) but it
adds some interest to the ride. I've found that my heartrate
while pedaling
on flat terrain is usually about 120, rising to near 140 on
hills, dropping
to under 100 during downhills. Although my maximum is
over 200 (which
I reach only during sprints), I've found that a few seconds
at that rate will
show up as extra fatigue near the end of the day.
The third cyclecomputer is an old Vetta. It works fine, is a very
reliable backup,
and I saw no need to remove it when I bought fancier
Since buttons must be pressed to show the different functions, with
the three computers
I can simultaneously show current speed (on two
computers), average
speed, trip distance (to the nearest hundredth mile),
altitude (precision
5 feet), and heart rate. Taped to my stem is a Casio
watch with a stopwatch
function, allowing me to play other number games
while biking.
I'm sure many of you will believe this is overkill, but what can I say?
I'm a number person.
While biking I often work on math problems---ones
that have a fighting
chance of being solved without putting pencil to paper.
While biking down
the Pacific coast with Doc we would entertain each
other by posing
various math and physics problems. We met an official
at the Canadian
border who took one look at the electronic gear on my
handlebars and
asked if I could run Windows 95. On this trip I could
answer "sure!"
and whip out my computer. I also carry a scientific
calculator but
haven't yet devised a satisfactory way of attaching it so
it is accessible
while biking.
Finally, I have an Aiwa radio tape-recorder -player. I brought about
eight tapes of
some of my favorite music, which is classical, piano
(Emil Pandolfi,
Sally Harmon), and South American Indian folk music.
I occasionally
listen to a tape while climbing a long hill (only if traffic is
light and there
is a generous shoulder), the music taking my mind away
from the constant
grind. The radio can be entertaining when I wake up
in my tent for
a couple of hours in the middle of the night.
My tools enable me to fix a flat, replace a chain link, or replace a
broken brake-
or derailer-cable. Anything more serious and I must find
a bike shop. I
never begin a tour without getting a thorough check-up
from Peter, and
have had very little mechanical trouble on my trips.
The last indispensible items are plastic bags of all sizes. I use
newspaper bags
(the kind your deliverer puts the paper in on wet
mornings) or ziplock
bags to wrap everything that goes in the panniers.
Should it start
to rain I need make no adjustments. My panniers are not
waterproof, which
is no disadvantage; in a heavy rain a waterproof
pannier, if opened,
becomes a bucket.
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After doing washing, taking an afternoon nap, and eating an excellent
supper, Jean was
kind enough to lend me her car so I could drive out to
the Sandia Casino
and get my poker fix. They have a very good cardroom,
and I was immediately
seated at a table playing my favorite game: Omaha
hi-lo. (In this
game each player is dealt four cards; ultimately there are
five community
cards on the board. You use two cards from your hand
and three of the
community cards to form your best possible high hand,
and perhaps different
cards to form the best possible low hand. There
is a lot of wild
betting, and then the best high- and low-hands split the
pot, while the
losing players cry and whine.) It was a friendly game, with
a lot of pleasant
bantor between hands. The fellow sitting next to me
looked vaguely
familiar, and he mentioned that he was sure he'd seen
me somewhere.
After a few exchanged questions we figured it out:
he was a poker
dealer at the Horseshoe in Las Vegas and we'd seen
each other at
the internet poker convention last August.
I didn't sit down and say "I'm Harry, and I'm biking from Seattle to
Miami", but when
the Horseshoe dealer asked if I flew to Albuquerque
and I said no,
and when he asked if I drove to Albuquerque and I said
no, then he up
and asked how I got here, so it came out. Most of the
players were quite
interested in my trip, and there were many questions.
They were so impressed
that when I cashed out at 11 I found that they
had (unwillingly)
contributed $139 to the continuation of my trip.
Day 26. Friday,
September 29
This was a great day, for Mary was flying to Albuquerque and would
arrive this afternoon.
She normally visits Jean two or three times a year,
and adjusted the
timing so we could be there simultaneously.
In the morning I worked on a report, while Jean did a few hours of
volunteer work
at the local Ronald McDonald House, a charity that
provides free
or low-cost housing to out-of-town families who have a
child in a local
hospital. At noon I picked up Jean and we had a
fantastic lunch
of stuffed grape leaves at a local Greek restaurant.
Mary arrived in the afternoon, we warmly welcomed each other, and
she was properly
sympathetic about the scrapes on my arm. Then the
gals did culinary
stuff in the kitchen while I downed my second and
last Black Russian
for the next few weeks.
Day 27. Saturday,
September 27
My left hip had been very sore to the touch ever since the first
evening after
my spill. There was no sign of injury, and absolutely no
pain while biking.
This morning, however, there appeared a dinner-plate-
sized bruise showing
most of the colors of the rainbow. This gained me
a bit more attention.
I photographed the colorful display but can't post
it on yahoo because
it doesn't meet the promised PG rating. Please
trust me when
I describe it as horrible-looking, and be very sympathetic.
Jean went to her French class, and I crawled up on her roof to clean
the leaves and
pine needles out of her gutters, a task I do (and actually
enjoy) on every
visit. I then cleaned up, and put on a dressier pair of
pants that Mary
had brought. Very strange discovery: Those pants were
tight in San Diego,
but here in Albuquerque they were at least two inches
too big. Must
have something to do with the dry climate.
Jean returned at noon and we then went to our favorite Mexican
restaurant in
the whole world: Pancho's Mexican Buffet.
You go down the line and select any or all of about a dozen delicious
take your seat, and the waitress brings a basket of
As soon as it is empty you raise a little Mexican
flag and she brings
you more. (You might notice that this spelling of
"sopaipilla" is
different from my earlier discussion. I have seen three
different spellings,
but since Pancho makes the best sopaipillas I'll go
along with his
choice.) After I'd raised the flag three times she started
bringing larger
baskets. Want another taco? Raise the flag and she'll
bring it.
Their salad bar has various salsas and unlimited guacamole. Their
dessert bar has
a flan (a type of vanilla custard) to die for. After I
down my last sopaipilla
I realized there would be no room for supper
that night.
On returning home I began packing for an early departure. Oh joy!
Two flat tires.
Both leaks were from very tiny reinforcing wires that are
in truck tires.
Along the interstates and main highways are parts of
truck tires that
have failed. These tiny wires got stuck in my treads,
and eventually
worked their way through my tire, my Mr. Tuffies, and
my tube.
The flats were fixed, maps were organized, and the packing finished.
All ready for
an early start. To bed at 10.